

Don Norman's People are From Earth…

Some people call Don Norman grumpy.  I think he just cracks me up.  He’s right almost all of the time, but he’s also funny about it.  Look at this quote from his latest article, People Are From Earth, Machines Are From Outer Space:

“People are from earth. Machines are from outer space. I don’t know what kind of manners they teach in outer space, but if machines are going to live here in our world, they really need to learn to behave properly. You know, when on Earth, do as the earthlings do. So, hey machines, you need to become socialized. Right now you are arrogant, antisocial, irritating know-it-alls. Sure, you say nice things like “please” and “thank you,” but being polite involves more than words.”

Really and truly, why does it have to be so hard to interact with machines?  Why can’t machines have better manners?

Norman’s law: The number of hours per day spent maintaining our equipment doubles every 18 months.”

Indeed!  Have a read of Norman’s article.  I promise it’s short.  Please leave your opinion in the comments below.